St. Bernard Senior Citizens Club
The St. Bernard Senior Citizens Club meets every Wednesday in the Main Level of the Municipal Building from 10:00am-3:30pm. This club is for St. Bernard residents who are 50 years of age or older. Former members who now reside in a retirement/nursing home are also eligible to join. To become a member, one just needs to come to a meeting and provide your name, address, phone number and date of birth. The club has officers, which any member is welcome to run for, that are voted on by the members. These elections are held every two years in December.
A typical meeting consists of discussion (“Order of Business”) followed by a game of Bingo. There are also luncheons on the last Wednesday of each month for $5 per person. In months that have five weeks there is a potluck lunch in the middle of the month. Other activities include Casino/Racino bus trips, a Halloween costume party with cash prizes, and a yearly picnic sponsored by the Village. Additional suggestions are always welcome! Please call the President of the Senior Citizens Club, Brenda Hensley, at 513.535.1672 with any questions.
Senior Shuttle