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Proposed Non-Discrimination Ordinance Survey

Help us plan a town hall on the topic of St Bernard’s draft non-discrimination ordinance!

In the upcoming months, St Bernard’s Council will be considering passage of a non-discrimination ordinance. Draft language has been approved by the Laws, Contracts, and Claims committee working with input from Equality Ohio and interested residents. View proposed Ordinance here or via file attached at bottom of this post.  

Take our three-question planning survey by clicking here indicate whether you plan to attend this town hall.  You will also be asked to specify your preferred method of attendance (in person, via Zoom, or via Facebook Live). The survey will end on Saturday, May 15.

If you need to learn more about the non-discrimination ordinance, check out the article in our email newsletter in the May 2021 issue:

You can also subscribe to the newsletter here:

You will have an opportunity to submit questions for the town halls well in advance. You can also contact your council members or Mayor Stuchell with questions at any time. Click here to see a list of elected officials and their contact information.
