The St. Bernard Service Department, under the leadership of the Service Director and the Foreman, will work diligently to keep the streets, parks, buildings, and all general areas of the Village, clean and well-maintained. It is the goal of the Service Department to make the citizens of St. Bernard proud to live in this community.
Services Offered
- Trash pick-up and weekly pick-up of yard waste and recyclable items.
- Special trash pick-up of large items such as appliances, rugs and tree limbs. (Place these items by the curb on your normal trash pick-up day.)
- Overnight use of a dump truck or dumpster for special house cleaning or do-it-yourself remodeling projects (call 513-242-0086 to schedule).
- Business trash pick-up.
- Superior quality trash bags are offered to residents at a very reasonable prices.
- Cleaning of Village streets and parking lots within the Village.
- Four park shelters are maintained by the Service Department for our resident use.
- Two sport parks are maintained (Vine Street and Ross Ave. parks) are for residents use for football and soccer, as well as a skate-board park, tennis courts and two walking tracks.
- Seven smaller recreation parks throughout the Village are maintained for the youngest citizens of our Village.
- Landscaping and lawn care of Village property.
- Municipal swimming pool and the recreation pavilion.
- Street Care: Snow removal, street salting, pothole repair, line painting, and general maintenance.
- Support community outreach groups by set-up and clean-up of various events, as well as the Village Holiday Activity Committee’s family-focused events each year.
Street Cut/Right-of-Way Permit Application - Fill out and drop off City Hall or send via email to